2020: « Prix d’Excellence » at the General Agricultural Competition of Paris
Most awarded wine estate in Provence in the last 3 years
Hand-delivered by the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron and the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Didier Guillaume, this prize is awarded to the work of a whole team serving organic viticulture in Provence.

Unlike the medals which distinguish the quality of a product for a given year, the Prix d'Excellence attests to the mastery of the know-how of a company or a producer allowing it to guarantee a great regularity in the excellence of its production.
2020: Medal of honor from the Provence Alpes Cotes d´Azur region (PACA)
"Une Cop d’Avance" label of the climate plan
Prize given by hand by the President of the Region, Mr. Renaud Muselier, during a ceremony organized in honor of the owners of Château Maravenne as a reward for their involvement in the environment and for the quality of their work.
Many elected officials were present as well as the mayors and elected officials of the neighboring municipalities:
- Renaud Muselier - President of the South Region (Provence Alpes Côte d´Azur) - President of Regions of France
- Sereine Mauborgne - Deputy at the French National Assembly
- François De Canson - President of the PACA Regional Tourism Committee - Mayor of La Londe les Maures
- Fabienne Joly - President of the Var Chamber of Agriculture
- Jacques Verdino - Vice-President of the CCI du Var
2024 : 2 Gold medals
Concours général Agricole de Paris : Médailles d’Or
Concours des vins de Provence : Médailles d’Or

2023: 9 medals including 5 Gold
Concours général Agricole de Paris : Médailles d’Or & d’Argent
Concours de Grands Vins de France de Mâcon : Médailles d’Or, d’Argent et Bronze
Concours des vins de Provence : Médailles d’Or & d’Argent

2022: 4 medals including 2 Gold
Concours général Agricole de Paris : Médailles d’Or & Bronze
Concours des vins de Provence : Médaille d’Argent

2021: 3 medals including 2 Gold
Concours de Grands Vins de France de Mâcon : médaille d’Or
Concours des vins de Provence : Médaille d’Or & d’Argent
Concours général Agricole de Paris : annulé cette année.
Guide Hachette des Vins 2021
Decanter : 92/100

2019: 4 Medals at the General Agricultural Competition of Paris (including 3 Gold)
Guide Hachette des Vins 2019
Decanter: 90/100
Decanter: Top 10 of the best Provence rosé under 20£/30$

2018: 5 Medals at the General Agricultural Competition of Paris (including 4 Gold)
Guide Hachette des Vins 2018

2017: 5 Medals at the General Agricultural Competition of Paris (including 3 Gold)
Guide Hachette des Vins 2017